Proteus Multiparameter Water Quality Meter

Case Studies
The Proteus is a brand new multi parameter sensor platform for real-time measurement of BOD, COD, TOC and Coliforms (total, e.coli or faecal) that compensates for temperature and turbidity. The Proteus can be easily integrated with any telemetry / SCADA system and can also be used with existing logging devices with external RS232/Modbus/SDI 12. Its integrated datalogger can store 1,000,000 readings which can be viewed on mobile phone / tablet.
The Proteus multi-probe can be configured to the users choice of parameters and offers a unique platform to add additional sensors such as pH, REDOX, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and many others.
Parameters include:
BOD/COD/TOC/DOC | Temperature | Refined Oils | |
Coliforms (total, e.coli or faecal) | Dissolved Oxygen | Optical Brignteners | |
Pressure | Nitrate | EC/SALINITY/TDS | |
Chloride | ORP/REDOX | Turbidity | |
pH | Tryptophan | Crude Oils | |
CDOM | fDOM | TDG | |
Ammonium |
A range of power options are available including internal lithium battery packs, ideal for unattended logging, or multiple external power options of battery, mains or solar panel.
Manufactured by: Proteus Instruments
Model: Proteus Multiparameter Water Quality Meter
BOD loading to wastewater treatment works (WWTWs)
Combined Sewage overflow (CSO) event monitoring
Point source solution monitoring
Total Coliform Monitoring (e.coli, total or faecal)
River pollution monitoring and surveillance
Efficiencies of wastewater treatment works
Diffuse pollution monitoring
Groundwater water quality monitoring
Survey tool combined with Bluetooth