Air Monitoring Shelters
For air quality monitoring stations (AQMS) we have developed rack-mounted analytical equipment to quantify VOCs in the air we breathe. Measurements are conducted and recorded 24/7 and transferred to the end-user for data analysis, and in some cases even directly posted on the world wide web for the public.

Fence Line Monitoring
VOC measurements are conducted continuously at the perimeter of a plant to determine the VOC concentration upwind and downwind; with this information the actual addition of VOC by a plant can be determined. With our analytical equipment on your fence line you can detect 24/7 the anomalies in airborne VOC concentrations.

Soil Sanitation
Clean up of soil pollutants often involves the air extraction of the contaminated ground. By measuring the concentration of VOCs in the air, the progress of the cleaning process can be monitored and optimised. The robust Synspec analysers monitor the recovery process of the soil

Livestock Farming
Whether you are running a chicken, pig or cattle farm the concentrations of methane and ammonia can reach higher than desirable levels. Monitoring the indoor air quality can help to keep your livestock, workforce and the environment in good condition.